Sunday, October 10, 2010

Marketing your company through the Internet

The Industrial age has been replaced with the INFORMATION age. Never before have we had so much access to Information, all at our finger tips at a click of a mouse. The Internet is still growing at a rapid pace, and will continue this trend indefinitely. There are now 1.5 billion users on the net daily, and it's just the beginning. Facebook (still very young in internet terms) have just passed the 500 million user mark, social networking now huge, and the trend is also moving into the business sector.
The unfortunate aspect of the world wide web is the gap opening between those who are not computer literate and those who are. Computers, ie. the internet has fast become essential for those who wish to keep up with the times in everything from financial control and planning, health information, news to name but a few, and this applies to the business sector as well. A business without internet exposure, will simply fall by the way side. It is vital now for every business to include internet exposure in there future plans.

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